3 Lessons your independent pharmacy can learn from Kevin Spacey

I don’t do very much of anything in small slices. This is a good thing when it comes to projects, or spending a Sunday cooking food for the week, but perhaps a bad thing when it comes to how many brain cells I damage binge watching some new TV show while the laundry piles up. […]

3 Lessons learned from Kevin Spacey Remote Control imageI don’t do very much of anything in small slices.  This is a good thing when it comes to projects, or spending a Sunday cooking food for the week, but perhaps a bad thing when it comes to how many brain cells I damage binge watching some new TV show while the laundry piles up.  Regardless, this all at once/all or nothing persona is part of the way I consume, which is why I was especially excited to see this reflected in a recent speech made by Kevin Spacey.  This link will take you to some highlights from his talk.  

Now while Kevin Spacey was proving that I’m not alone in my bad habits when it comes to entertainment, he makes some really great points about changing consumer habits that I think we can all take into consideration when it comes to pharmacy technology. 

  •        “The audience wants the control” Consumers today aren’t just along for the ride.  They are (or want to be) more educated about their purchases and they want to feel that what they say matters to someone.  This may seem like an unsurpassable obstacle when it comes to a retail environment, but in reality the feeling of being in control all starts with feeling heard.  Make sure that it’s easy for customers to contact you and leave feedback in your store or on your website.  Create a presence on Facebook and Twitter.  In short, be engaged with your audience.  And most importantly, be responsive.  For more tips, check out this past article on managing customer feedback in your pharmacy.
  •        “Differentiation between the platforms will fall away” On my desk right now, there is a laptop, a cell phone and a tablet.  When it comes to finding information, I don’t feel that I should have a different experience across these different devices. This article gives some great statistics on mobile traffic. 13% of all website traffic is from a mobile device according to this article, and statistics from a recent survey show that 61% of people using a smartphone tablet, etc. will leave a site that is not optimized for use with their mobile device.  With the world trending towards mobile, these numbers will only grow, making it more important than ever for your website to be mobile friendly and easy for your customers to consume your content in whatever method they choose.
  •           “For kids growing up now, there is no difference” The first time a cashier at Nordstrom rang up my purchase on a mobile device, I was a little surprised.  Today, I am accustomed to my purchases being processed via a mobile application at retailers, restaurants, and coffee stands.  And I actually like it better. The interaction is usually more efficient and more personal.  (Plus it’s just really cool!) While mobile point-of-sale for your pharmacy may seem futuristic, or a little scary, it’s quickly becoming the norm.  This change in the marketplace gives independent pharmacies an outlet to do something different.  Think outside the box. Be creative. Don’t let yourself be restricted by the boundaries of the traditional business model.  Basically, think like a kid for a few minutes and see the possibilities with a brand new set of eyes. 

The future is by no means set in stone. But if the future of retail and Pharmacy POS had to be described in one word, I would definitely choose “mobile”.  If you’d like to learn more about RMS’ innovations in this area, check out our website to learn more and find out how many independent and institutional pharmacies are already embracing the mobile trend. 

What mobile technology do you use in your pharmacy today? Let me know below. 


Karen Deckard came to RMS with a background in retail and customer service, and was initially brought on board as a Sales Assistant and managed IIAS certifications for RMS’s pharmacy POS customers.  Today, Karen works as a Customer Success Manager, striving to provide independent and institutional pharmacies with the tools and resources they need to succeed in today’s competitive pharmacy market. 


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