4 Things Every Pharmacy Should Do This Year

The resetting of a calendar year has always represented new beginnings. A time to jump start goals and resolve to make the next journey around the sun better than the last one. Of course, New Year’s resolutions might be mostly symbolic. After all, you can resolve to make changes in your life or your business […]

The resetting of a calendar year has always represented new beginnings. A time to jump start goals and resolve to make the next journey around the sun better than the last one.

Of course, New Year’s resolutions might be mostly symbolic. After all, you can resolve to make changes in your life or your business at any time of the year. Still, the ending of one calendar year, and starting of a new one remains as good a time as any to evaluate where you’ve been in the last year, and what you’d like to achieve over the next 12 months.

A pharmacy business might have any number of different goals. Or you might not know yet just what you expect to achieve as we leave one chaotic year behind and look to face more of the same.

That all being said, there are 2 important aspirations that every pharmacy can constantly be striving towards. Improved customer-centricity (building your pharmacy business around the customer experience) and growing your pharmacy profitability.

There are multiple paths towards each of these goals, but here are 4 things that will get you headed in the right direction this year.

  • Embrace clinical services- Many personal resolutions each year revolve around things like weight loss, fitness, and health objectives like smoking cessation. Goals that align perfectly with many clinical services that pharmacies can offer. Now is the time to make the most of these programs as patients continue to rely on their pharmacist as an essential part of their healthcare team. If you don’t offer clinical services yet or aren’t sure how to go about evaluating which services are the best for your pharmacy, make sure to tune into our January CLIMB Webinar which will be fully dedicated to the topic of clinical services. The first episode of 2020 is live on January 14th at 8am Pacific time. Click here to learn more.
  • Be prepared for Covid-19 vaccinations– Have you certified to administer Covid-19 vaccines? You may be somewhere in the middle of the process, or you may have already given out your first doses. No matter where you are in the process (even if you haven’t started yet) it’s a good time to make sure you have all of the latest information and guidance from your state health department and the CDC. It’s also important to make sure you’re prepared to answer customer questions, provide educational resources, and have your game plan in place for later in the year. Watch our panel discussion on this important topic by clicking here.
  • Make the most of your front-end– Did you know that improperly managed inventory leaves money on the table every single day? A single underperforming section can mean you’re losing out on significant profits. Watch this great 5 minute video from RMS founder Brad Jones on how to make the most of the product you have on your shelves.
  • Keep learning all year long – In the coming year, we know one thing we can expect. For things to keep changing. Which means every business will need to keep learning and adapting. At RMS, we’re going to do our best to continue to supporting pharmacies with helpful, timely content through our CLIMB webinar series. We hope you’ll join us in January, and throughout 2021 as we continue our journey to help pharmacies be more profitable and customer centric.


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