4 Big Reasons to Email Receipts and Statements
The last time you went shopping and received a paper receipt, what did you do with it? Did you carefully fold it, place it in your wallet for...
With very few exceptions, customers that walk into your store all walk out with at least one thing in common. Their printed receipt. And whether they file it, crumple it in the bottom of a purse, or put it into their back pocket, chances are that they will see this receipt again. The receipt you […]
The last time you went shopping and received a paper receipt, what did you do with it? Did you carefully fold it, place it in your wallet for...
The last time you went shopping and received a paper receipt, what did you do with it? Did you carefully fold it, place it in your wallet for storage...
What should be on a receipt? There's a happy medium between a 5ft receipt and delivering the absolute minimum. Here are some rules for useful...