7 Things to Know (and Love!) About RMS + TRC Healthcare

RMS' integration with TRC Healthcare makes counseling your patients on drug-induced nutrient depletion a breeze. Here are 7 reasons why we love it.

Did you know that every time you sell a prescription, you might be leaving money on the table? What’s more, your patients might be walking out the door without everything they need to experience a positive outcome.

When patients fill a prescription, they often think about the big side effects. Potential drug interactions, or the list of dos and don’ts that everyone expects to receive when they start on a new medication or treatment. What doesn’t always get discussed is drug induced nutrient depletion. Many depletions aren’t included as part of your patient counselling support system, but still represent an impact to patient outcomes and compliance.

While drug induced nutrient depletion isn’t a new topic, many pharmacies don’t have active nutrient depletion counselling programs. Offering supplement recommendations based on prescription induced nutrient depletion not only improves patient outcomes, it also boosts profitability through supplement sales. Making that conversation a part of every prescription sale requires the right partners and tools.

At RMS, we’ve been on a quest to make nutrient depletion counselling easily accessible to all our customers. But this isn’t a goal we could accomplish alone.

We’re so thrilled to integrate RMS’ nutrient depletion recommendation system, Nutributler, and TRC Healthcare-the top provider of evidence-based medication advisory resources. We absolutely love this integration, and we think you might just become a raving fan too.

Here’s why!

  1. It’s Crazy Easy – The process to identify the potential for nutrient depletion, search for supplement recommendations and share that information with your patients is simple. At the register, you’ll scan the prescription or prescriptions as usual. Your RMS system will automatically send a request to TRC Healthcare’s Natural Medicines database to search based off the NDC number. Natural Medicines returns a rapid response which displays identified depletions and therapy recommendations right on the transaction screen. You can then discuss the addition of recommended supplements to your patient’s treatment plan, add the appropriate supplements to the transaction, and/or print out information on the recommendation for the patient to take home.
  2. Natural Medicines operates an independent database – In part, a successful nutrient depletion counselling program is about trust. This is why we love that the Natural Medicines database isn’t tied to a single manufacturer. Independence supports the evidence-based nature of the recommendations and gives you greater flexibility with your program.
  3. No commitment to a specific supplement line – TRC Healthcare’s Natural Medicines database is huge! It’s the largest in the U.S. with over 1400 monographs and 185,000 natural products. This means you might already have the right products in your pharmacy inventory, and you can work with your patients to find a supplement at the right price level.
  4. It’s all about improving patient outcomes – TRC Healthcare has a long history of helping pharmacy teams make safe, informed medication and natural therapy decisions. Paired with RMS’ mission to make customers more profitable and customer-centric, this becomes the perfect platform from which to build a nutrient depletion counselling program and improve patient outcomes.
  5. Pharmacy profitability – Nutrient depletion counselling programs offer many benefits to your patients. But they also benefit your pharmacy business. The obvious piece is the increase in profitability as you add supplement sales to more transactions. Supplements are generally high margin products and can make a big impact to your bottom line. And because those supplements will help your patients feel better, you’re also creating loyal customers that will keep coming back.
  6. There’s a video that will tell you all about RMS and TRC Healthcare – We were so excited about this partnership, we just had to talk about it a bit more. Check out this 15 minute interview with RMS founder & CEO Brad Jones and TRC Healthcare Product Manager Pam Piotrowski. Brad and Pam talk about the new interface, the importance of nutrient depletion counselling, and how every pharmacy can get started.
  7. You only need a few things to get started – RMS’ Nutributler program is built-in to every RMS system. The only requirement is that your pharmacy system transmits the NDC number and that you have access to TRC Healthcare’s Natural Medicines database. If you aren’t a TRC Healthcare member, it’s easy to add a cost-effective membership. Simply fill out this form and a TRC Healthcare representative will reach out to discuss options.

From there, all you need is the product on your pharmacy shelves (which you might already have!) a bit of training for your team, and the right motivation to build a successful program.





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