Best Practices

CLIMB Rewind: Mental Health Awareness Month

Emily Cannata is here to help your pharmacy employees succeed by providing them with the tools and support they need.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This month was first acknowledged in 1949 and it's goal has been to spread awareness and increase understanding of the importance of mental health as a part of our overall health and wellness. 

Millions of people in the United States are impacted by mental health conditions. 23.1% of Americans in 2022 to be precise.  Chances are, that someone in your life or pharmacy team number among those experiencing a mental health condition. 

Supporting your team is an important part of running a successful pharmacy. And there's no better time to evaluate how you provide that support than during a time of year dedicated to mental health and wellness. 

If you're looking for some tips on how to provide some great support for your pharmacy team, look no further than this month's CLIMB Rewind, a look at Employee Wellness with Pharmacy Coach and Professor of Business Emily Cannata. 

Give it a watch now and be sure to let us know if you implement any of these tips! 


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