Best Practices

Infographic: 5 Best Practices for Trade Show Success

It's that time of year again! Are you ready to make the most of trade show season? Here are 5 best practices to help you reach your goals.

It's everyone's favorite season again - trade show season! We're kicking off our season with NCPA's Multiple Locations Conference next week, and then we're off to DiversifyRx's Pharmacy Profit Summit and APCI's Annual Convention next month. We hope to see you there! (If you're curious where else RMS will be this year, check out our Events page here.)

We love going to trade shows. Not only because it gives us an opportunity to connect with our valued customers and partners in person, but also because of all the new faces we get to meet and the valuable insights we gain from them.

Pharmacy shows have bounced back in full force post-COVID, reinstating so much opportunity for growth, education, innovation, and success. But with the influx of shows flooding the scene again, it can be hard to determine which ones will provide the most value toward helping you reach your specific goals. We'd love to attend them all, but time is valuable - especially to busy pharmacy owners and their staff. Taking steps in advance to coordinate your trade show efforts in line with your highest priorities and biggest goals will help you make the most of every experience.

To help you get started, we've put together a quick infographic summarizing 5 best practices for trade show success. Have more to add? Let us know in the comments what steps you take to maximize trade show season!

Trade Show Success Infographic


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