Innovation in Your Pharmacy

What does it mean to be “innovative” in pharmacy? For many it may bring to mind pioneering something new. To create something that’s never been done before. The lightbulb that clicks on in the middle of the night, creating a domino effect of “aha” moments. In reality, innovation doesn’t have to be nearly so dramatic. […]

What does it mean to be “innovative” in pharmacy? For many it may bring to mind pioneering something new. To create something that’s never been done before. The lightbulb that clicks on in the middle of the night, creating a domino effect of “aha” moments.

In reality, innovation doesn’t have to be nearly so dramatic. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to be innovative.

So what does it really mean to be innovative in pharmacy? It just means looking at things in way you haven’t looked at them before and making changes, big or small or in between, based on what you see.

Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling:

Make the most of the assets you already have- When was the last time you really evaluated the assets you have available to you?  People, technology, data. All of it can trigger every-day innovations. Do you have employees with untapped skill sets?


An employee that is ready to take on more responsibility can be a resource for any number of changes you’re ready to make.


Are you using the technology you have available to it’s full potential? Or are you just going through the motions every day? A new feature like patient counseling queuing could start a whole new counselling process in your pharmacy. Or integrated checkout charity might remove that last barrier to involving customers in your charitable giving efforts.


You’re collecting data with every transaction. But what do you actually do with it? Use data to pin point areas for growth and take actions accordingly.

Put the customer experience first

The customer experience is one of the easiest places where you can consistently make small innovative changes that have a major impact on your pharmacy.  It’s all about keeping your approach to everything as customer-centric as possible in your services and options.

 Whether it’s implementing a program like nutrient depletion counseling, a well thought out loyalty program, vaccine clinics, or just carrying the right product mix for your patients and community, the services you offer your customers matter. Things like curbside pickup, delivery or mail order also provide flexibility.

When you look at the customer experience, try to see it through the lens of your customers. And then ask yourself what you would change?

Attend CLIMBCLIMB Virtual Summit by RMS

In just 2 short weeks, we’ll be taking a deep dive on the concept of innovation in pharmacy with business coach and author Patti Mara. She’ll be teaching us how to unlock the goldmine that already exists in your pharmacy business. Patti is just one part of our amazing line up at our upcoming virtual event, CLIMB. Through the 5 tenets of care, lead, innovate, motivate and balance we’ll teach you how to build a more profitable and customer-centric pharmacy.

Join us on October 22nd at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern for this 3 hour event. You can register at for free with code RMSBLOG. We can’t wait to see you there!

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