Using Your Pharmacy Point-of-Sale to Start the Day Right
It’s Monday morning and I have to admit, the wheels are turning a little more slowly than usual after a busy weekend. I’m relying on coffee and...
As I enjoy my much needed Monday morning coffee, I thought I’d share with you some inspirational quotes to get your week started. Mondays are always busy in a pharmacy, so feel free to share these selected quotes with your pharmacy staff. Who knows, maybe someone on your team will be motivated enough to take […]
It’s Monday morning and I have to admit, the wheels are turning a little more slowly than usual after a busy weekend. I’m relying on coffee and...
It’s Monday morning. Your pharmacy is busy. Crazy busy. The phone is ringing off the hook and the line at the register doesn’t seem to be ending....
Maybe your doors open at 8am and close at 5pm, and you’re only open Monday thru Friday. Sound about right? Well of course not. These might be the...