The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly

4 Important Reminders for Pharmacy Security

The sad reality is that, in the modern business world, retailers like pharmacies are prime targets for criminals looking to undermine digital...

A Bit of What We All Need

It’s been a little over a month since the staff at RMS headquarters, along with a good portion of the country, transitioned to working remotely from...

Patient Care

New Definitions to Use in Your Pharmacy

There’s a scene in the movie, “The Incredibles 2” where Mr. Incredible is being defeated by his kids’ math textbook. Something to the effect of “why...

New Rules for Pharmacy Curbside Delivery

There’s no surprise that curbside delivery has been a popular topic over the past couple of weeks. We’ve worked with many pharmacies to get solutions...

How Exactly Do I Clean That?

Well, a lot has happened since last week. Last time I posted, I was sitting in my office at the RMS Headquarters. Today, I’m in my home office, on...

A Note From RMS

Disaster preparedness is something I’ve written about before. Mostly in the light of being as ready as possible for natural disasters, inclement...


Avoid These Common Retail Pharmacy Mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable, and a part of life. All the practice and expertise in the world won’t stop you from hitting a wrong note every once in a...

Customer Loyalty

Shopping For Super Bowl 54 at The Pharmacy

Millions of people will tune in to watch Super Bowl 54 on Sunday. This year, it’s thought that 194 million people will watch the game, spending an...

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