The RMS Blog

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What Does “Strategy” Actually Mean Anyway?

If you dive down the rabbit hole of trying to better your business in any meaningful way, you’re going to run into the idea of “strategy”. It’s...

Why Every Pharmacy Needs Point-of-Sale

“My pharmacy is very small, and we don’t have a lot of OTC’s.” “We don’t do a lot of retail business.” “Our pharmacy has no front end.” Do any of...


What’s the Real Cost?

Cost vs. value is a tricky thing. How do you decide whether something is really worth the money you’ll spend on it? It’s a question we talk about...


Are Your Pharmacy Staff Dependent on You?

This coming Fall, my kiddos will be starting Kindergarten. And even 5 months away, there’s a flurry of preparation. I’ve filled out what feels like a...


Point-of-Sale Beyond the Pharmacy

Pharmacy point-of-sale is a specialized tool. It must be that way to meet all of the requirements and needs unique to the pharmacy industry. Pharmacy...

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