The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
Patient Care

Starting Off the New Year Right in Retail

New Years is generally a time of resolutions and fresh starts. A time for stifling bad habits and creating better ones. It’s a really nice concept...

Happy Thanksgiving from RMS

In 2012, the week before Thanksgiving, I posted my very first article for the RMS Blog. Little did I know at the time that this article would be the...


Outpatient Hospital Pharmacies – Meet Bob!

Bob just got promoted for increasing hospital revenue and improving patient outcomes. Watch Bob’s story and see how he not only got things turned...


Pharmacy Owners – What’s Your Time Worth?

About a month ago, I went to wake up my kids, and noticed that my little boys weren’t quite so little anymore. Feet sprawled over their toddler sized...

Patient Care

Understanding When the Risk is Worth it

When I was in elementary school, I got the chicken-pox. My mother was well prepared with all of the traditional remedies but had determined that the...

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