The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly

3 Labor Day Reminders for Your Pharmacy

Labor Day is always the holiday that sneaks up on me. It’s always here faster than I expect it to be, bringing with it the end of summer and the...


What it’s Like to Start Working for RMS

Have you ever looked over the edge of the cliff, took a small step back and then a GIANT leap off the cliff into the water?Not only is this one of my...

Happy Fourth of July

In 2017, Americans spent of $7 billion on Fourth of July festivities. From all of your Fourth of July cookout staples to road trip money and...


What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

A few weeks ago when I was shopping for Mothers Day cards, I ran across one that said something to the effect of “Dear mom, sorry for all the awful...

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