The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly

Debunking 5 Major Myths About Pharmacy POS

There are many established reasons why you would purchase a new Pharmacy POS system – increased efficiency, higher profit margins, and improved...

The Last VCR

When The Lion King came out on video in 1995 I remember anxiously awaiting its release with my allowance in hand. (Give me a break, I was only 10.) I...


Your Pharmacy Can Save a Tree!

While the customer experience is a big part of what keeps customers coming back to your pharmacy, there’s another factor that also plays a huge role....

Customer Loyalty

3 Advantages to Being an Independent Pharmacy

There are a lot of things about being an independent business that are difficult. As such, we spend a lot of time talking about ways to overcome the...

Payment Processing

Demystifying EMV Chargebacks in Your Pharmacy

Co-authored by RMS Director of Training Services, Brandon Bieleski Since the formal EMV liability shift in Oct 2015, some merchants have experienced...

Meet RMS in Chicago! (or Las Vegas)

Summer is a season for barbeques, camping and visits to the beach. Unless you run a pharmacy. (Or in the case of RMS, are dedicated to serving...

Customer Loyalty

The Key to Repeat Pharmacy Business

If a new customer walks into your pharmacy today for the first time, what will happen? Will the transaction be like any other or will an effort be...

Happy Fourth of July from RMS!

Every holiday, we usually share some well wishes for a happy and profitable day. And while I do hope that you’re heading into the Fourth of July...

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