3 Advantages to Being an Independent Pharmacy
There are a lot of things about being an independent business that are difficult. As such, we spend a lot of time talking about ways to overcome the...
There are a lot of things about being an independent business that are difficult. As such, we spend a lot of time talking about ways to overcome the...
There’s are a few prescribed ways to attract a customer’s attention. Print ads, the radio, social media, and word of mouth are probably some of your...
Co-authored by RMS Director of Training Services, Brandon Bieleski Since the formal EMV liability shift in Oct 2015, some merchants have experienced...
Summer is a season for barbeques, camping and visits to the beach. Unless you run a pharmacy. (Or in the case of RMS, are dedicated to serving...
When you are purchasing pharmacy technology, there’s probably a lot going through your mind. No matter what system you are replacing (or purchasing...
If a new customer walks into your pharmacy today for the first time, what will happen? Will the transaction be like any other or will an effort be...
Last week, RMS announced release of a single hardware solution for EMV card acceptance and signature capture with Vantiv Payments. We have been...
Every holiday, we usually share some well wishes for a happy and profitable day. And while I do hope that you’re heading into the Fourth of July...
A couple of weeks ago I shared an infographic that gave you 12 simple steps for selecting a new pharmacy point-of-sale provider. Hopefully that’s a...
Next weekend, a lot of people will be packing up and hitting the road over the long 4th of July weekend. Your customers will be on their way to camp...
As Sir Isaac Newton noted almost 330 years ago, a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force, and by the same token,...
We live in an age of predictions. From who’ll play in the Super Bowl next year, (Go Hawks!!), to the next big technology trend, and all the way to...
Habits do not form overnight. In fact, studies show that it takes anywhere between two and eight months to form a new habit. That’s a pretty big...
Choosing a new pharmacy point-of-sale system doesn't have to be quite as scary as you might think. Follow this 12 step guide to make your life easier!
It seems like the mission and vision behind running a pharmacy should be pretty self-explanatory. All pharmacies have the same basic functions, like...