The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly

Taking a Moment for Memorial Day

A lot of things happen on Memorial Day every year. From parades and concerts, to car races and sports tournaments. Some businesses shut their doors...

Pharmacy POS Support for the Real World

Maybe your doors open at 8am and close at 5pm, and you’re only open Monday thru Friday. Sound about right? Well of course not. These might be the...


A Fresh Take on Productivity in Your Pharmacy

We often talk about how important it is to set goals for your pharmacy. And having those goals is definitely important. But it’s hard to keep track...

Customer Loyalty

Re-thinking Customer Loyalty for your Pharmacy

When we think about customer loyalty programs, most of us probably have a pretty set idea of what that entails. A wallet full of cards and some sort...

What Makes a Pharmacy Successful?

Do you ever wonder what sets the successful apart from the not so successful? What allows some people to go from just getting by to being among the...

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