The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
Patient Care

In a Pharmacy, is cheaper better?

Why is one product worth more than another?  Why can one brand charge a higher price than another brand whose products fill the same exact need?

Patient Care

How to Run your Pharmacy and Have More Time

Today, everyone is making a big deal about having more time. That’s because it’s Leap Day. The day added to our calendars every 4 years to make up...


Password Security Policies For Your Pharmacy

Every year, a list is released showing the most popular passwords for the previous year. Just like last year and the year before that “123456” tops...

Why would you choose RMS?

Everything should do more. That’s the trend. From watches, to phones, to home appliances. If there isn’t some sort of dual functionality it doesn’t...

All Pharmacies Are the Same, Aren’t they?

Does anyone really believe in “One Size Fits All” anymore? When was the last time that you purchased anything with this label and it really actually...


4 Ways to Reduce Theft in your Pharmacy

With so much hype, albeit well deserved hype, about credit card fraud, data breaches, and other more electronically based mischief, we sometimes...

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