The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
Customer Loyalty

Why is 10 the Only Passing Score?

When you make a big purchase, like a car for example, you often get a survey call a week or two later. Your sales representative will often prepare...

Customer Loyalty

4 Ways to Improve Pharmacy Customer Service

Now more than ever before, quality customer service is crucial to a business’s viability. Indeed, how a company manages the customer experience can...

Boost Summer Sales in Your Local Pharmacy

I’d be pretty willing to bet that if your independent pharmacy carries sunscreen, it’s been a pretty big seller of late. (Especially if you happen to...

Customer Loyalty

Making Your Independent Pharmacy the Best

I recently discovered that my son is allergic to eggs, and have since realized that eggs are in practically everything. So I embarked upon a quest...

Is Anticipation Hurting Your Pharmacy?

You’re in your car at a stoplight. There are 4 or 5 cars in front of you and you’ve been waiting a couple of minutes. It’s probably close to time for...

Celebrate the Uniqueness of Your Pharmacy

It’s getting hot out there, which made me start thinking of cooler days. This led me to think of today’s article. I’d like you to try a little...

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