The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
Customer Loyalty

3 Ways to Improve Sales in your Pharmacy

People generally need more than they think they do. That’s the principle behind the sales training at the Container Store. It’s a strategy meant to...

Patient Care

3 Ways to be the Superhero in Your Pharmacy

What if we could have superpowers? It’s something most of us would daydream about when we were kids. If only we could fly or move at the speed of...

Customer Loyalty

4 Ways to Make Your Pharmacy Smarter

I remember when “clap on, clap off” for your lights was really cool. Or when my grandparents bought a light that dimmed and brightened based on a...

Payment Processing

Credit Card Security in 2015

It’s hard to go a week or two these days without hearing news of another major data breach. These breaches cost businesses and consumers billions of...

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