The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
Customer Loyalty

My Day in the Health Care System

I’m pleased to tell you that I don’t need to go to the doctor much. Partly because I’m fairly healthy, and partly because I’m stubborn and don’t like...

Customer Loyalty

Ordering Prescriptions Online Can Be Dangerous

As you know, many patients requiring prescription medications have begun ordering them online. It’s usually cheaper, saves time and the prescription...

Customer Loyalty

5 Smart Strategies to Edge Out the Competition

Last week, I shared news that Walgreens is renouncing its corporate citizenship in the United States in a move to Switzerland.* I also encouraged...

Happy 4th of July!

We’ll have a new blog next week, but in the meantime, everyone here at RMS wishes you and your family a safe and fun 4th of July weekend! Here’s a...

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