The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly
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5 Ways to Improve Your Pharmacy Website

For some reason, I still get an updated yellow pages phone book deposited in my driveway every 6 months or so. And every 6 months I bring it inside,...

An RMS Pharmacy POS Update

With Karen on hiatus this week, I thought I’d take the opportunity to update everyone on what’s going on here at Retail Management Solutions since...

Customer Loyalty

A passion for community pharmacy

We’ve all driven through that town where the only store you see for miles around is a huge mega store. To me they seem like barren wastelands, devoid...

Customer Loyalty

Share your passion for pharmacy

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. A day which means a span of a hundred different things to different people. For some it’s a day for romance, filled with...

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