The RMS Blog

The RMS Pharmacy Blog - New Articles Weekly

Retail Management Solutions is growing!

For the last 5 years, the main offices of Retail Management Solutions have been located right in the middle of downtown Olympia, Washington....

Customer Loyalty

Do you have control of your pharmacy’s brand?

I’m not quite sure how it happened, but every month a Harper’s Bazaar magazine shows up in my mail box. If you’re not familiar with the magazine,...

Blogging basics for independent pharmacy

On Wednesday morning, I stared at a blank document on my computer screen, rolling ideas around in my head for this week’s blog post. I always look...

5 tips for keeping your pharmacy safe online

Sometimes technology can be scary. Not in an “I’m afraid to try new things” way, but because for every wonderful thing that technology helps us to...

Is Change in Your Pharmacy Good or Bad?

On some level I’ve always viewed a fear of change as something slightly comedic. After all, from TV sitcoms to romantic comedies, to commercials,...

A pharmacy without cash registers??

I’m really excited, as tomorrow, I’m going to visit one of our most forward thinking stores, West Cocoa Pharmacy. West Cocoa Pharmacy is the...

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