Greg Howrd 2023
Greg Howard

Technical Support Specialist
RMS Team Member Since 2006

About Greg

Hi all, I'm Greg. Let’s get all of the stuff that’s boring to everyone but me out of the way so we can chat.

I am in my 17th year at RMS. I have been reminded more than once that no support techs at RMS were born yet when I began my career in computers in the USAF during Vietnam.

I’m a single parent of two adult children; a daughter who got married a few months ago and a son who is 22. We have a two-generation household that also includes my new son-in-law.

I’m a voracious reader. On average, I read 5-6 books a week, sometimes more. I also feast on movies. Okay, maybe “feast” is a little weak. I’m a movie glutton. A film freak. An unrepentant cinephile.  My maternal grandmother started taking me to movies in downtown Detroit in the late 1950’s (The Michigan Theater, The Quo Vadis, The Madison & the 20th Century Fox), and my mom took over throughout the 60’s and 70’s. I’ve been in lust with movies since I was 5 years old and that ain’t ever gonna change.

When I received my Honorable Discharge from the USAF there simply weren’t many jobs available for computer programmers (it was 1975, fer cryin’ out loud!), so I went back to cooking. Over the next decade & more I worked as a chef at golf courses in Michigan & Las Vegas, then as a chef for a Las Vegas Hotel/Casino.

I met my 3rd and last wife on the internet. We didn’t meet in person until much later, and four months after she joined me in California she was pregnant.  Nine months later, our daughter joined our family.  Four months after my wife gave birth, she found herself pregnant again (how the heck did THAT happen?) and we then had a son to join our growing family.

I love RMS, and I love what I do. I solve problems for people all day, every day. Most of the time I get fast gratification: A problem lands in my queue, I study it for a few minutes, then I contact you, our customer, and resolve it to everyone’s satisfaction. But tech support isn’t for everyone.  Heck, it’s not for most people.  You have to understand that almost everyone you talk to is NOT having a good day. If they were, they wouldn’t be speaking with me. Support techs deal with an incredible variety of people. Some know next to nothing about computers and software, and that can seriously complicate support. That isn’t their fault, they do know pharmacy and how to do their own jobs. When they need someone who DOES know all those details they call RMS.

Thank you all for being an RMS customer.