The RMS Blog

3 Tips for Getting Your Pharmacy Summer-Ready

Written by Karen Deckard | Fri, May 24, 2024 @ 09:20 PM

“I can’t believe it’s almost Memorial Day”. That’s the refrain I’ve heard all week as we look at the calendar and realize that the end of May is almost upon us.   

This coming weekend, we will honor those who lost their lives during service in the United States Armed Forces. Many will visit cemeteries, attend memorials and observe moments of silence.  

Alongside remembrances and somber moments, there will be celebrations, too. Camping trips, cookouts, community events and even retail sales. As we take the time to look back and honor the memories of those we’ve lost, we also celebrate them by spending time with our families and loved ones.  

Memorial Day Weekend has become almost synonymous with the start of summer. A time when weekends shift from chore-filled dreariness to backyard gatherings and outdoor adventures.  

Along with the shift in our mentality, there’s also a shift in shopping habits. Perhaps that’s why Memorial Day Weekend is a popular shopping holiday. Weekend plans aside, though, the seasonal change is a great reminder to give your pharmacy inventory a quick refresh. 

Refresh Endcaps & Displays 

Cycling your endcaps and displays is a quick, relatively easy way to keep your pharmacy looking fresh and aligned with the season. Think less cold & flu and more sunscreen, bug spray and first aid. Running point-of-sale reports to determine your top selling products can help you make informed decisions regarding the products you place front and center. And don’t be afraid to get creative with displays! 

Decide on Your Sales Now 

One of the best parts of using a robust point-of-sale system is going home on time (or even early) more often. If you decide on your summer promotions now, you can set them up in advance through your system - so all that’s left will be putting up signage the night before. No more burning the midnight oil before the weekend to make sure you’re ready to go. You can delegate sign-setting to one of your team members and be home in time to start the grill for dinner.  

Adjust Inventory  

Making sure you have an adequate stock of the right items is important. As we step into the summer months, the balance might change in key areas. If you’ve been doing regular active recovery on your front end, you’ve already created a solid foundation to make sure your shelves stay well stocked. If you haven’t, it’s never too late to start.

Lastly, if you order based on min/max quantities, consider a review of those numbers to verify they are in line with product movement. You can run a product movement report in your POS system to see how specific departments, categories or individual products sell during a given period of time.  

We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Weekend!