5 Pharmacy Concepts to Improve Profitability and Customer-Centricity
With these 5 tenants, we feel that every pharmacy can improve their profitability and customer-centricity. Here's why.
With these 5 tenants, we feel that every pharmacy can improve their profitability and customer-centricity. Here's why.
Drive thru and curbside have become bread and butter for pharmacies. As well as for all kinds of retail businesses. Even as stores begin to reopen,...
There’s a scene in the movie, “The Incredibles 2” where Mr. Incredible is being defeated by his kids’ math textbook. Something to the effect of “why...
Last month, my kids joined a wrestling team. After breaking up skirmishes in the living room on a daily basis, we decided that if they were going to...
Halloween may be filled with spooky costumes, scary movies and haunted houses, but to me, Halloween doesn’t have anything on the Holiday Season....
We can all think of negative customer service experiences. Times when a brand or company didn’t live up to our expectations or needs. It’s...
Labor Day weekend is a great time to review your disaster & severe weather preparedness. Here are a few tried and true tips for pharmacies to keep in...
Have you ever played a game without fully understanding the rules? Frustrating right? You get the concept and the end goal but the first time or two...
A good customer loyalty program can make a world of difference in your pharmacy. But in many pharmacies, customer loyalty is thought of either as...
Is a Meds-to-Beds bedside discharge program on your to-do list for 2019?
Last week we took a look back at the very beginning of the mobile trend in pharmacy point-of-sale. And many of our regular blog readers thought “So...
In 2011, pharmacy point-of-sale looked a bit different. There were lots of different options for software functionality, but the general footprint...
New Years is generally a time of resolutions and fresh starts. A time for stifling bad habits and creating better ones. It’s a really nice concept...
Your pharmacy POS system is a key tool for elevating the patient experience, from safety to overall satisfaction. Here's how to utilize it.
When I was in elementary school, I got the chicken-pox. My mother was well prepared with all of the traditional remedies but had determined that the...