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Why H2H is so Important in a Pharmacy

In the pharmacy world, there are more acronyms than one can easily keep track of. And new ones pop up every day. So while I’m reluctant to add...

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Monday Morning Inspiration for your Pharmacy

As I enjoy my much needed Monday morning coffee, I thought I’d share with you some inspirational quotes to get your week started. Mondays are always...

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Why is 10 the Only Passing Score?

When you make a big purchase, like a car for example, you often get a survey call a week or two later. Your sales representative will often prepare...

Customer Loyalty

4 Ways to Improve Pharmacy Customer Service

Now more than ever before, quality customer service is crucial to a business’s viability. Indeed, how a company manages the customer experience can...

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Making Your Independent Pharmacy the Best

I recently discovered that my son is allergic to eggs, and have since realized that eggs are in practically everything. So I embarked upon a quest...

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