3 Easy In-Store Marketing Hacks to Use in Your Pharmacy this Fourth of July
Next weekend, a lot of people will be packing up and hitting the road over the long 4th of July weekend. Your customers will be on their way to camp...
When you make a big purchase, like a car for example, you often get a survey call a week or two later. Your sales representative will often prepare you for this call in advance. They’ll let you know that you’ll be receiving the call and that they’ll ask you about your experience and satisfaction on […]
Next weekend, a lot of people will be packing up and hitting the road over the long 4th of July weekend. Your customers will be on their way to camp...
Giving your pharmacy employees some autonomy or decision making abilities can be beneficial both to you and your customers. When your employees know...
If you ask someone what they do for a living and they tell you that they are in customer service, chances are that you’ll think of a retail setting,...