Unparalleled customer support, 24/7.

Our team of specialists will make sure your RMS system is always optimized for success. We’re here for you all day, every day.

Toll Free: (877) 767-1060
Email: support@rm-solutions.com

RMS 24/7 Support

Experience the very best in pharmacy POS support.

Support on Your Schedule

Our US-based team of pharmacy POS Technology Specialists is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can reach them by phone, email or online via the RMS Customer Portal.

Simple & Secure Remote Support

Our remote support utilities make it easy for our team to help you securely and efficiently. Our support processes make it crazy easy for you to get the help you need and get back to running your pharmacy.

Pharmacy Point-of-Sale Experts

Our Technology Specialists are experts in pharmacy point-of-sale. Our technicians are hyper-focused on the pharmacy industry and are subject matter experts in our software and hardware solutions.

RMS Customer Portal

In the RMS Customer Portal you can enter, review and update cases, check out open estimates, orders or invoices, and explore our knowledgebase for how-to articles, product guides and more.

Monthly Product Demos & Live Q&A

Learn from RMS Founder & CEO, Brad Jones, live every month! You can join our CLIMB webinar series for free and stay tuned for the AfterCLIMB demo just for RMS customers.

Customer Success Manager

Every RMS customer is assigned a Customer Success Manager to make sure you’re always getting what you need, both from your RMS solutions and from your RMS partnership.

Powerful point-of-sale for every pharmacy's needs.